One Less Star.

©Promo X One Less Star plain

Through the tears
That sprang from your pain
And fell from my eyes,
I looked into the sky
Where there was one less star shining,
And I wept for the world
Where life carries on
Just that bit darker
Than before
You left.

©2017 Joanne Van Leerdam



img_3407This poem and fifty others are now published in a new collection: The Passing Of The Night.

4 thoughts on “One Less Star.

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  1. Reblogged this on WordyNerdBird and commented:

    A couple of years ago, a friend asked a question on Facebook: “What difference would it make if I wasn’t here anymore?”

    I wrote this poem for him.

    I also wrote it for those who had never asked me the question — well, not that I know of, at least — and left of their own accord.

    Because it is Suicide Prevention Week worldwide, it’s a very appropriate time to share this poem with you. I hope it encourages you.

    Just so you know, my friend stayed. And I’m very glad he did.


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